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Throughout our lives, most of us experience an array of sexual desires and emotions. Some of them may solely be out of lust while others might stem from a deeper, more profound kind of emotion — an emotion elicited from our inner-selves. When we develop an exclusive loving, emotional, and intimate bond with another person, our sexual passion for that person can become the metaphorical glue that helps bind us together in devotion to one another. It allows us the opportunity to freely and openly express our deeper, inner feelings for our partner in a profound magnitude of emotions through physical touch. 




With most of us, at some point in our lives, we desire sex as a means to fulfill a particular need and not just a self-indulgent want like a fantasy. These underlying needs include: intimacy, passion, and commitment (necessities for a loving relationship). When these needs are realized, happiness can be experienced in its fullest forma form called consummate [complete] love. Now that's truely magnificent!


While sex has various meanings to a variety of people, it typically holds deep significance to most of us in one way or another. Sex allows us the opportunity to mutually share something so uniquely pleasurable, instinctual, and intimate. It can serve as a means for demonstrating love and affection in a way that's truly special and meaningful. Or, some of us may choose to use it primarily as a means for physical gratification while foregoing the deeper emotional significance. Let's explore the various aspects to sexual intimacy and how it can bring considerably more meaning to our love-lives — if we choose to allow it.

Offers Intimacy

Emotional Dissonance



On the other hand, some of us may practice addictive "fast food" sexual habits as a patchwork fix for loneliness or other emotional stressors. This only offers hollow "empty calorie" gratification in return for short-term rewards which will likely only worsen the underlying emotional stressors in the long-run. If we do become conditioned to use sex purely for physical gratification in place of sexual love and affection, it can severely disrupt our desire for lasting, loving, and committed sexual intimacy in future relationships. Please be aware of the consequences associated.



While pure lustful sex might bring short-term gratification like when eating a piece of chocolate cake, in the long-run, especially if overly indulgent, it can have an unhealthy impact on our self-perception resulting in unhealthy future love-lives. We call it "empty calorie sex." Like a food addict often copes with loneliness or sadness through unhealthy, addictive foods, sex addiction is no different and is a very common mechanism to try to relieve emptiness, loneliness, or even depression.


None of us enjoy feeling lonely or empty, so "meaningless sex" often seems to be an easy "quick fix" to a deep-seeded emotional problem. Unfortunately, this actually prolongs our emptiness until we continually "need" meaningless sex to maintain an artificial happiness. Like while eating chocolate cake, we secrete a rush of dopamine (producing emotional satisfaction). But with sex, we also secrete testosterone, estrogen, oxytocin, serotonin, and norepinephrine that ultra excite our lust, attraction, and attachment sensors in our brain; then, soon after, we relax in both mood and body. While this feeling is AMAZING, it's also short-lived. These hormones soon dissipate while the emptiness or loneliness once again returns. The cycle will continue until it is broken like with any addiction. For this to happen, sex must be with a mutually loving and affectionate person who truly cares for and nurtures you while offering lasting stability, love, and commitment—in a FHIT relationship. For help regarding sex addiction, please click here.



The strength of love we share with a significant other first exemplifies the love and respect we feel for ourselves. When we demonstrate sexual love healthfully and unabatedly with a person we love, we are expressing just how lucky we are to share our life and pleasures with our significant other. Mutual love shown sexually is passion; mutual love shown affectionately is intimacy; and mutual love shown perpetually is commitment. The combination of all three is an accurate portrayal of what devout, consummate [complete] love is all about. It's exciting, it's meaningful, and it's passionate; it's, most importantly, all yours (mutually of course).




As we learn to use sex as a means for developing an emotionally, romantically, and lovingly secure bond, our relationships can then truly thrive on an amazingly beautiful and meaningful level. That's our promise to you! 

Offers Affection

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