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Sexual Identity

Anchor 5

Gender: Four Components

     Through thousands of scientific studies and observations, the scientific community now knows that gender-identity is primarily biological in nature and much more complex than previously understood. We know today that each person's sexuality is unique and we consider each to be extraordinarily remarkable.

  1. Gender Expression- The level of femininity or masculinity in appearance and mannerism (gender neutral is androgynous).

  2. Gender Identity- The gender a person feels defines who they are internally (e.g. spiritually, intrinsically, innately).

  3. Gender Attraction- The gender(s) a person finds emotionally, spiritually, sexually, and romantically enticing.

  4. Physical Gender- The biological sex of a person (male, female, or intersex).


     When these four gender components are combined with each of our unique personalities, talents, intellects, races/ethnicities, and cultural beliefs, it adds even more diversity to the human condition within our own personal interactions.

      Our unique gender identities help provide further evidence that no two human-beings are identical and exemplifies our individualistic nature as human-beings. Yet, throughout history, human gender-identity has been largely misunderstood. Because of this, those gender identities which did not conform to mainstream heterosexual beliefs have been "cast out" and treated as "mentally ill" or often "sinful." 

     Sexual identity is an extremely important piece of our understanding of the very complex and spiritually unique existance we inherited at birth.

10 Gender Expression Types

Which type are you?

Anchor 1

Both Sexes


One sex often more predominant






(masc, fem, neutral)

straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual,

or asexual

Feminine Female

(straight, lesbian, bisexual, or asexual)

Masculine Female

(straight, lesbian, bisexual, or asexual)

Masc. & Fem. Male -- Gender Neutral

(straight, gay, bisexual, or asexual)

Transgender Woman -- Male at birth with female gender identity.

Masculine, feminine, or neutral

(straight, lesbian)*, bisexual, or asexual

Masculine Male

(straight, gay, bisexual, or asexual)

Feminine Male

(straight, gay, bisexual, or asexual)

Masc. & Fem. Female -- Gender Neutral

(straight, lesbian, bisexual, or asexual)

Transgender Man -- Female at birth with male gender identity.

Masculine, feminine, or neutral

(straight, gay)*, bisexual, or asexual

*When reflecting gender identity.

Anchor 2

Gender Identity

     Gender identities are more than merely anatomical (physical); they're psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually unique to who we are. When we try to fully understand someone's gender identity through appearance alone, we can be deceived because our gender identities are also created individualistically in our minds before birth (evidence suggests). 

     For there to be social progress, it is important to understand, collectively, that social norms regarding gender roles cannot be confined to physicalities. There is much more to who we are as human beings than our physical existence alone. 

     The only way to fully understand someone's gender identity is by personally getting to know that person on an individual level. Now that we know gender identities can cross sexes (transgender), it helps us to better understand that gender identity is not determined by our physical bodies alone.

"Gender identities are more than merely 

anatomical; they're 

psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually unique to who we are."

/  Transgender


     When gender identity does not align with a person's physical gender (sex), this person is considered to be transgender. Inside (psychologically, emotionally, and

spiritually) this person feels that their physical self (sex) does not align with their gender identity. This accounts for approximately .1% to .3% of the population.

     As a society, it is important to understand one another's sexual identities are uniquely ours. And, 

growing up transgender today is a very difficult challenge and requires a strong, supportive network of family, 

friends, and peers. Because of the 

social stigmas transgender people face today, we must all be educated and strive to educate others about the acceptance of transgender individuals regardless of each of our differences.


/  Transsexual


     This is a person who undergoes hormone and/or physical gender (sex) reassignment surgery. In the U.S., it requires an extensive psychological evaluation by a licensed therapist for a

person to undergo these medical procedures and hormone treatments.

Gender Attraction

Anchor 3

Gender attraction is a very complex area of biological and social research. Today we know that biological 

factors are undoubtedly the primary determinants for gender attraction.

                         Straight       Bi/A-sexual       Gay/Lesbian

Often depicted on a continuum, gender attraction differs from person-to-person (from straight to gay/lesbian) in varying degrees.

Gender Attraction Continuum

3 Areas of Gender Attraction

     It's magical. The moment you lay eyes upon one another with that alluring personality, you know there's the possibility for more than just friendship. The anxiety, the excitement, and the rush you feel is palpable. When you open your mouths in conversation, you both feel a connection beyond anything you may have ever experienced. On a deeper level, it feels perfect. This feeling is romantic attraction!

     As you continue dating, you realize this is someone beyond special. There's even this eerie feeling you've met beforebut where?  Your heart pounds and your mind races; you can't get over that warm, unbelievable feeling you get when you spend time together! The minute you part, you can't think of anyone else you'd rather be with. This person fills your mind continuously.

     Over the passing weeks and months, you realize something in your heartit's a feeling of love. Can it be? It becomes evident that it's mutual as you two embrace one romantic evening while out on the town. You both utter those heartfelt, tender words, "I love you."

     Romantic love and attraction are what make relationships special, warm, and exciting all rolled-up into one! It's unbelievable knowing there's that someone who cares for and understands you unlike anyone else in the world! You belong to no one else and you'd want it no other way.


    The power of sexual attraction is truly incredible! It provides us a magnificent sense of passion, affection, pleasure, gratification, and exhilaration. When you're with that person, you often desire to share yourself with them fully. You want nothing more than to mutually share your sexual feelings in the most pleasurable and gratifying way imaginable. It’s an incredible feeling that's like none other!

     Sex has always held a feeling of excitement, mystery, and allure as we mature from adolescence into adulthood. When we begin to understood that sex between two people bonded in love and devotion offers more meaningful happiness, joy, and satisfaction, we begin to realize that our lives can fully blossom in a way we may never have anticipated.

     Through a loving, bonding, and affectionate sex-life with a significant other, it can become a source of emotional and psychological stability capable of adding significant meaning to our lives. When we open up lovingly with our partner, often the physical pleasure experienced is magnified 1,000 times because when we connect on this level, our hearts, passions, and joys can embrace in complete honesty, fragility, and harmony.  

     As we learn to use sex as a means for developing an emotionally, romantically, and lovingly secure bond, our relationships can then truly thrive on an amazingly beautiful level. That's our promise to you! 

     There's this connection you feel that cannot be explained fully in words. When you're with each other, there's a bond unlike anything else. It's a feeling often comparable to that of a motherly bond. But this is different. It's just as strong but multidynamic. It's with a person 

who cares for you romantically, lovingly, emotionally, and unconditionally. There's no one else like this and it's splendidly beautiful!

     There's something inside both of you that joins harmoneously. Is it love? Yes. Is it security? Yes. But it's something even more. It's a rare spiritual and emotional attraction 

that binds you together.

     To strengthen this bond, you seek to know one another more meaningfully each passing day. You yearn to know, "What makes this person so unique and special?" I want to know everything!

     This emotional and spiritual connection can become so powerful that when you open your hearts to each other, you can one day experience the fullness pure love has to offer. Life is full of so much meaning. When you 

search for meaning in a trusting relationship, you can discover much more about life than you could have ever anticipated alone! 

     Over the years together, you begin to 

understand the depth of each other's hearts and minds. When spiritual and emotional attraction is this powerful, you begin to realize you could never imagine your life without that love, that embrace, that devotion, or that affectionate smile.

Anchor 4

Physical Gender (Sex)

/  Exploring Physical Gender


We're all born with specific sex organs that determine our biological sex. At birth, we come into the world as male, female, or intersex (both sex organs). Yet, we're all individually formed beings with unique personality traits, qualities, appearances, and capabilities. Our sexual identities are also unique to who we are. While our physical gender (sex) is determined at birth, not everyone's gender expression aligns with their biological sex. These people are considered to be transgender, as previously explained. Let's explore the various possibilities that exist when determining who we are as uniquely distinct individuals.


/  Variability in Human Identity


We're all exceptionally unique and should be proud of our individualistic nature. To determine the variability in human sexual identity, we need to first multiply the possible variations in physical gender (male, female, intersex), gender expression (masculine, feminine, gender neutral), gender attraction (opposite-sex, bi-sexual, a-sexual, same-sex), and gender identity (transgender man or woman). That's 3 x 3 x 4 x 2 = 72 which are a lot of possibilities for sexual identity!


Now, when we also account for intellect, talent, race, ethnicity, and personality type, diversity is almost limitless! That's what makes humanity so marvelous—our incalculable capacity for uniqueness!

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